
R. F. DeAngelis

R. F. DeAngelis is a crazy and occasionally obnoxious smart-aleck. As an incorrigible punster and wordsmith, she loves nothing more than to keep people guessing. She uses words to teach family and friends lessons of life, love, and acceptance that life does not always easily teach. With a deep love of family and friends, and an understanding of what it means to be the outcast, she has always fought to help people be who they are inside.

Hi, my name is Rachael. I have been in love with Fantasy and Sci-Fi my whole life.

Over twenty years ago I was introduced to the world of RPGs, and I have been an avid tabletop gamer ever since. M'Diro started out as a home-brewed campaign world with a different feel to it than the games we normally played. It had different cultures and religions within the same races of people, and introduced a few new races to our lineup to choose from.

That was over fifteen years ago.

Today, I have mined that rich world that seemed to go over so well at my table for its own stories. In the world of M'Diro I take a very frank look at not only the typical fantasy tropes, but also the real world societies; cultures and subcultures. I started with a set of free short stories featuring your typical street-rat rogue as the main character from a typical fantasy city. I used her to set up the book series, the world, and the feel of the place before turning it all upside down on her and introducing the Empire of the Five and the LeatherWing. I am hoping to pass on to others the wonder and enjoyment that was given to me by the many works of authors who came before.

I will be releasing short stories between novels and have eight full novels currently in the works. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

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